Past Event
Monday, September 8 2014
10:00 pm–12:30 am

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Workshop

Monday, September 8 2014
10:00 pm–12:30 am
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Workshop
AIGA members who are small businesses owners* are invited to participate in the first event of a new partnership between the AIGA Women’s Leadership Initiative and Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses, a program created by Babson College and funded by the Goldman Sachs Foundation.
Join us on September 8 for “Strategies to Accelerate Revenue Growth,” an intensive workshop exclusive to AIGA New York. The evening will include an overview of the program as well as a dynamic and interactive preview class covering strategies CEOs use to drive massive growth in their businesses.
10,000 Small Businesses is likened to a free mini-MBA for small business owners, coupled with access to capital and business support services. In New York, it is hosted by LaGuardia Community College in Long Island City.
To learn more about the impact this program has had on actual businesses, see the new Babson College report “Stimulating Small Business Growth.”
Learn more about the AIGA Women’s Leadership Initiative at
Paisley Demby, business services director
Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses at LaGuardia Community College